The Vision
East Anglia will be a region comprised of resilient and respectful communities where people feel safe and heard, have a sense of belonging and equal access to services and opportunities.
Community Pathways Partnership will deliver the following services:
Multilingual and multicultural information, advice and guidance (IAG) through an innovative hub & spoke model which incorporates 'pop up' provision for cultural and linguistically diverse communities (CALD) whilst also trialling digital innovations.
Complex case support for CALD people facing multiple barriers.
Pre-ESOL and ESOL embedded learning, including reminiscence boxes and job clubs.
Outreach Community Connectors working with the most marginalised people within CALD communities, supporting them before they reach crisis point, organising community wide services across he region and facilitating volunteering opportunities.
Pilot a cohesion within stigmatised communities.
Liaison Officers facilitating partnership building, identifying gaps in service provision and continually working to build bridges with stigmatised communities across the region.
A 'one stop shop' for other agencies needing support on cases concerning people from CALD communities.
Cultural Awareness & Engagement training for other agencies.
Equality and Diversity workshops in schools & youth groups.
Influence policy though research and networking.
The Mission
Embedded in generous leadership. the Comminity Pathways Partnership aims to bring about systemic change as its contribution to achieving the vision.
It will deliver streamlined, accredited, multilingual specialists services and facilitate fair access to other local service provision, whilst working to improve mutual understanding of culture, both organisational and individual. The Partnership will develop organisational, community and individual capacity to improve cohesion and resilience.
Five outcomes sought in order to achieve the mission:
People will be able to access the range of services they need to improve their quality of life and be aware of their rights and responsibilities.
Stigmatised Communities will see there is strength in unity.
The partnership service delivery model will be robust, resilient and responsive to changing needs.
Organisations across the region will be better equipped to meet the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.
Local, regional and national policies and procedures will be shaped by better quality data and intelligence about linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.
The community Pathways Partnership seeks funding to support the development and delivery of services for four years, starting in 2019. The Partnership[ and the services it provides will be self-funding and sustained form 2023 onwards.
Project Launch
The CPP Project held its official launch in February 2020, at the Keystone Innovation Centre, Thetford.
The event was well-attended by the 3 lead partners, as well as 2nd tier partners, stakeholders and our funder, The National Lottery.
Guest speakers:
Professor Catherine Barnard from Cambridge University
Ruth Stokes from The Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants.

CPP Launch Event

The ACCESS team

Portuguese custard tarts.

CPP Launch Event